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ERP is a business transformation project

Success in an ERP project is the sum of many factors, and success is often defined very early on the planning table.

As we well know, ERP is a business development project – not an IT project. The role of the ERP is to be an enabler and catalyst for change. Although the implementation of the system is the real concrete goal of the project, it usually requires significant changes in both business processes and the way people work.​ 

When you want to explore ERP projects more, please download our ERP guide. 

ERP Handbook

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What is ERP?

When deciding to launch an ERP project, the background is in practice the need to renew the management of the organisation's operations. ERP is different for each organization, and the functions and business areas for which you want management and control de- termine the content of the ERP system.

Typically, ERP forms an overall system in which material management and production processes are combined with one system together with financial management. Project management and sales entities are often included, but the whole is always organization specific.

Or is the old ERP good, though?

We also often encounter customers who are thinking about exploiting the existing ERP. The challenges of ERP do not always require a new system – sometimes re-implementation, developing utilization or updating to a new version are the best solutions.

What changes in the project and when is the old ERP good?


ERP changes in mergers and acquisitions

The ERP system plays a particularly important role in mergers and acquisitions and measures real transition capability. Sometimes it happens that the heart of an organisation's operations is strongly attached to the ERP. If the new system takes away for example agility or transparency, it can have very far reaching and fatal consequences. ​​

Should the Group have one ERP? Does the new subsidiary have to change the system?

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ERP project phases

The project consists of different phases, and when they are done carefully and in the right order, project is in control all the way and leads to good results. 

A good project consists of the following steps and it is important that they are all completed. In some respects, the steps also go side by side and e.g. preparatory tasks may need to be carried out from early planning until the end of implementation.

Project preparation and planning

Understanding the Current Situation

Architecture and requirements of the future

Preparatory development

Application and Vendor Selection

Prestudy and Implementation Planning


Transition to normal operation and project closing

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Digileaper and ERP

We can make the ERP project a success. We are a completely independent factor in the project. We have no ties to software suppliers or products on the market – every project we design and evaluate is done against the customer's needs. And they always differ.

We are also independent from internal organisation and this brings objectivity to seeing things without the internal ballast of history. We raise issues to table if needed, even if there are scars on them.

We are usually the customer's project manager in the project. 

Our job is to ensure the success of the project.


ERP project tools

With our expertise and experience, we also bring with us tools of different kinds. We provide project management portal to ensure transparent and efficient management of various project details. It is available for everyone in the project and it will guide our work us from start to finish.  

In addition we provide digitalization analysis and development portal to be used in various ERP and business planning details. . It enables us to analyse and plan ERP releted content eg. in business process structures, application and and data architechture details.  It gives transparency and undertanding of present situation, priorities, challenges and requirements for ERP. 


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